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A summer photo of the Hostel Shoppe building with a recumbent trike and a bike in the foreground on the bike path.

Shoppe Talk: Unveiling the Hostel Shoppe Blog!

Welcome to the hub for all things cycling!

We are excited to take on this journey with you as we dive into the world of bikes, recumbents, and everything in between. Whether you're an avid cyclist, a casual rider, or just someone with a love for adventure, this blog was made for you.

Here at the Hostel Shoppe, we believe that cycling consists of much more than simply riding – it's all about the adventure you take along the way. The Shoppe Talk blog is focused on building a community of people who love cycling and experiencing the thrill of life behind the handlebars.

Exploring the History and Celebrating 50 Years! 

A main objective of this blog is to dive deeper into the outstanding history of the Hostel Shoppe, sharing the stories and milestones that have shaped our journey. By highlighting significant events, articles, and images from our past, we will give you a glimpse into the evolution of the Hostel Shoppe. 

From humble beginnings to major successes, we want to celebrate the moments that help define the one-of-a-kind character of the Hostel Shoppe. Come along with us on this nostalgic ride as we rewind the clock, showcasing the historical events that continue to influence the Hostel Shoppe that we know and love, and join us in celebrating 50 years!

 Old rustic image showing the exterior of the Hostel Shoppe building downtown during the mid-1980's.

The Hostel Shoppe storefront at 929 Main Street, downtown Stevens Point, mid-1980s.

Industry Updates

Another highlight of our blog will be used to keep you in the loop with the latest happenings in the world of cycling. We will share with you updates on industry trends, innovations, and exciting developments from your favorite cycling brands. Stay tuned to learn about the many advancements being made that are shaping the cycling world as we speak. 

Hostel Shoppe Updates

In our blog, we will have dedicated posts that revolve around the latest updates and exciting events happening at the Hostel Shoppe. This aspect of the blog aims to keep you well-informed about the exciting environment that we have inside of our store. Whether it's product launches, events, or in-store happenings, our Hostel Shoppe updates will serve as a window, into the heart of the store's exciting activities.

Hostel Shoppe Marketing Manager, Jessie Bostic, sitting in front of a box of donations for the Women Helping Women Event. 

Hostel Shoppe Marketing Manager Jessie Bostic taking in donations at the Women Helping Women Event, 2023.

Community Spotlights

The Shoppe Talk blog strives to be a resource that celebrates the diverse and growing cycling community. We will highlight different cyclists, sharing their stories, the achievements that they have earned, and their positive contributions to the world of cycling! Together, we will build a supportive community that inspires each other to grow as we push the boundaries of the cycling world!

So, whether you're a weekend adventurer, a daily commuter, or an aspiring pro, join us on this exciting journey and follow along as we share with you more Shoppe Talk Blogs. 

 Shoppe Talk Logo with Crank in the center of text

Previous article Shoppe Talk: Go On, Be Brave